Born I – Unenlightened

Born I’s latest visual offering “Unenlightened” is more than a music video. Its a short film that is, on the surface, a love letter to the manga and film series “Lone Wolf and Cub” and the story of Yasuke, the African Samurai. On a deeper level, “Unenlightened” is a spiritual allegory about overcoming our inner demons.

Written by Born I, Directed by Roy Lesh and shot/edited by Tim Shelby, “Unenlightened” features Born’s son Siddhattha, his wife Ayanna and elaborate costuming and mask art from around the world. The song itself is produced by Atlanta producer Linz Prag.

“Unenlightened” is the third single from Born I’s album “In This Moment”. He is currently filming a video for each song on the album to be released as a short film/visual album in 2022.

Check out the video above.

About Born I:
“You Are Enough” – This is the mantra of Ghanaian-American rapper and vocalist Born I. Hailing from the Washington DC area, Born I is known as a lyricist who can move seamlessly through genres, while maintaining his potent lyrical ability and positivity.
His influences include Wu-Tang Clan, Jay-Z, Nas and Kanye West.

In 2020 Born I released and EDM/hip hop album “11:11”. He followed this with his solo hip hop album “In This Moment” in 2021. A visual album for “In This Moment” is currently in production.

Born I is also an experienced meditation practitioner and teacher. He is the male voice on the popular meditation app Balance, and he has led mindfulness retreats across the country, using his music as a method of teaching. He sees himself as a “mindful artist” and describes his music as “Trap Music for Meditators.”

In 2021 Born I launched his label YAE (You Are Enough).

“I want to create music and experiences for people to understand that its ok to be who you are. You are enough.” – Born I

“Born I gives us a shot of inspiration right when we all could use it.”- Lion’s Roar Magazine

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